The “Gender Budgeting and Gender Equality Measurement” Summer School of LeTSGEPs, jointly organised by UNIME and UNIMORE, was held at the Horcynus Orca Foundation on 28, 29 and 30 June in Messina. The Summer School, coordinated by Prof. Luisa Pulejo of UNIME, saw the participation of 23 students from national and international universities and research centres, selected by the Scientific Committee of the Summer School (Prof. Luisa Pulejo, Prof. Carlo Vermiglio,, Prof. Guido Noto, Dr. Valeria Naciti of UNIME, Prof. Tindara Addabbo and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins of RWTH AACHEN).
Participation in the Summer School has allowed young researchers to explore issues related to gender discrimination, gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting, Gender Equality Plans, measurement of gender equality, sustainability and to social reporting, with a practical and laboratory approach based on analysis and interpretation through case studies and simulations.
Authoritative national and international academics and researchers contributed to the development of the learning path through lectures and research laboratories: Prof. Tindara Addabbo of UNIMORE, Prof. Gulay Gunluk-Senesen of Istanbul University and Prof. Ronald L. Oaxaca, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona (both members of the Scientific Advisory Board of LeTSGEPs); Prof. Emidia Vagnoni, of the University of Ferrara; Prof. Andrea Venturelli, of the University of Salento; Prof. Ulpiana Kocollari of UNIMORE; Prof. Carlo Vermiglio, Prof. Guido Noto, and Dr. Valeria Naciti, from UNIME
At the conclusion of the works, a roundtable was held on “Accounting and Accountability for Gender Equality in Organizations: Advancing Research and Practices” with participation of Prof. Francesca Manes Rossi, delegate from the Italian Academy of Business Economics (A.I.D.E.A.); Prof. Rosa Lombardi, delegated by the Italian Society of Accounting and Business Economics (S.I.D.R.E.A.) and Prof. Andrea Venturelli, President of the Financial Statements and Sustainability Group Association (G.B.S.).