In the context of the LeTSGEPs Project – Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in Research Institutions, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, Grant Agreement 873072, the University of Tirana has prepared the Gender Indicators Manual in Albanian.

This Manual contains methodological guidelines for data collection and the calculation of a series of gender indicators that were used for comparative analysis on the project. This manual is primarily based on the She Figures Handbook 2018 (European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation), adapted to a selection of gender indicators specific to higher education and research institutions. .

The lack of comprehensive gender data on the above prompted the UT LeTSGEPs team to address the following questions: How can these data be collected? Which units can provide these data according to UT’s structure? How can the data be reported in a standardized and comparable form with data from higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area? How can these indices be calculated, etc?

After extensive literature research and drawing on the 4-year experience gained within the LeTSGEPs project, the UT LeTSGEPs team developed the Gender Indicators Manual, as a selection and adaptation in the Albanian language of the gender statistical indicators, widely used today by higher education and research institutions in the EU countries.

This manual will fulfill a need for institutional gender-based information and will serve UT to ensure the necessary data and indicators for monitoring progress towards gender equality; to create a standardized gender database according to ISCED;  to draft Gender Equality Plans with updated data and appropriate contextual analysis by the gender focal point at UT; to ensure gender-based data for academic and non-academic staff by Human Resource Management and Development units; to conduct gender-based scientific research by academic staff  and students, etc.