Based on the results of the context analysis, RPOs may outline their first GEPGB. In this step, adopting a participatory approach is of the utmost importance. GEPGB should be designed in a participatory process right from the start, and in this process, different stakeholders should be involved, both directly and indirectly (depending on the stakeholder profile). This would create a sense of belonging that helps RPOs to overcome challenges and resistance throughout the process.

During the GEPGB development phase, target groups should participate in focus groups, workshops, group discussions, interviews, written feedback circles or one-to-one meetings with the team and/or person responsible for developing the GEPGB. In this way, the GEPGB may represent the diverse needs and situations in the different areas of each organisation and promote a bottom-up process.

The process of designing the GEPGB is made up of 5 phases:

1. Analysis and Definition of RPOs Specific Focus

The previous context analysis of the data shows where there is a need for action in a specific RPO. It provides evidence of the causes of inequalities. It leads to identifying RPO-specific fields of action and the topics and objectives a specific RPO focuses on in GE.

2. Identification of Action Fields

Fields of action are not objectives. They merely indicate the areas where there is a need for improvement.

3. Definition of Objectives

The definition of objectives clearly defines what is to be achieved both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. For an objective to be achieved and recognised as achieved, it has to be SMART, according to the Gear Tool step-by-step Guide (EIGE 2022).

4. Design of corresponding measures to achieve GE objectives and integration of GB

Three types of measures can be identified:

• Personnel or individual measures that provide relief or support for individual persons or groups
• Culture-changing measures that affect collective awareness and work culture
• Structural measures that intervene in the organisational culture and change existing structures through institutional regulations.

LeTSGEPs partners successfully experimented a template (Template for the Detailed Description of the GEP, annexed to the Handbook) to design all measures and support the finalisation of the institutional GEPGB.

Even though this task may sometimes be perceived as very time-consuming and labour-intensive, it nevertheless forms the basis for monitoring the implementation process and also allows institutional outsiders to understand which indicators and goals underlie the individual measures.

5. Preparation of a final draft, negotiations with the RPOs’ leaderships and signature

Once the first draft of GEPGB is ready, the team in charge shall present it to the decision-makers and negotiate the measures in detail.

Finally, it is officially signed and adopted by the highest decision-making bodies and published on the official webpage of the institution.

Look at details of the process of setting up a GEP in LeTSGEPs Handbook, available in open access here in English and in the national languages of LeTSGEPs partners (Albanian, French, German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish). There is also a version in English for people with visual impairments, so that nobody is left behind.