As part of WP3, the partners more experienced in GB and GEP implementation will develop a common strategy to train the other partners, and define a common terminology and methodology.
The training on GB will be carried out in two sessions. The first is aimed at the application of gender budgeting within the audit phase; the second will tackle the issues encountered in the application of gender budgeting as part of the Gender Equality Plans (part of WP4). In all sessions, the participation and involvement of local mentors will be crucial.
Moreover, following the analysis carried out in WP2, the staff of RPOs involved in the working groups will be given specific training on the design and implementation of GEPs, to implement structural changes, address institution-specific issues, deal with possible resistance, and achieve successful acceptance management.
Along all WP activities, the exchange of experiences and information will be key, especially in order to train participants on a new topic and make them agents of change in their settings.
To further promote the exchange of information, the lessons and best practices learned during the implementation process will be published on the project website, available to all partners.
WP Leader: Max Planck Gesellschaft