The LeTSGEPs dissemination process is spreading all over the RPOs’ wordl!

Here are the last news from our partner CY – Cergy Paris Université:

On May 8 2023, Stefania Marcassa (CY Cergy Paris Université) presented the results of the LETSGEPS survey at the ACFAS Congress (Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal), in session 26 – International Perspectives on Gender Equality in Academia.

The hybride session included presentations by:
– Vincent Larivière (UdeM – Université de Montréal) that provided an overview of the situation of women in science in Canada and internationally;
– Catherine Beaudry (Polytechnique Montréal) on the production of scientific publications by women and men in Africa;
– Marie Aboujaoude (Université Libanaise) presented results of a survey conducted within the framework of the “FREE – Erasmus Plus” project.
In the second part of the session:
– Marie Nathalie Leblanc (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie), Annie Ross(Polytechnique Montréal) presented the activities of the AUF consortium of Universities wishing to engage their campuses in a concrete and collaborative way in the achievement of Gender Equality;
– Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau (UQAM – Université du Québec à Montréal) presented the Francophone Observatory for Inclusive Gender Development (OFDIG);
– Pierre-Jean Alarco (Polytechnique Montréal), Isabelle Villemure (Polytechnique Montréal) concluded with a presentation of OPSIDIAN training program.